Judi Vitale, Astrology Author | Tarot.com

Judi Vitale

As an astrologer, writer, and empowerment coach, Judi Vitale has had her eye on the sky for most of her life, and she loves using her skills to guide and connect with others. Her work has appeared in Marie Claire, Redbook, and Modern Bride. When she's not whipping up horoscopes or working with clients, Judi lectures, teaches, and offers support through reiki, breathwork, and meditation.

Judi received her certification as a consulting astrologer from the National Council for Geocosmic Research in 1995. She's the author of Lovecasts: The Astrological Guide to Finding Lasting Love and Babystrology: The Astrological Guide to Your Little Star.

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Articles by Judi Vitale
